Found a great benefit from having long, teased, curly hair- LESS MAKEUP REQUIRED! I have this new fascination where I don't wash my hair (you can still take showers and not wash your hair) and I just knot it up and make it as big as possible everyday. It's working out great :). And now I barely apply any makeup because there's enough going on that makeup would only make me look ... gawdy? I'm not sure but I enjoy how simple getting ready in the morning is.
Oh yeah, and I went to the new Forever21 today! It is two stories and has a lot to browse through. Poor men, they only got a corner of one level haha. I got a few things which, due to buyers regret, is stressing me out.
Anyways, our friends' band is having a show tonight so I am waiting around for that to start. Have a good night world!
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